Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big 5 Life and Work Balance Tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

The big 5 tips weekly post is as always full of advice and tips for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses owners.
1.      Mini-breaks. During the day, take “time outs” .They are refreshing and re-energizing. Taking mini breaks helps you to tackle the daily stresses of running your business.
2.      Exercise. Exercising is the key to boosting your energy level and confidence. It also makes you relax, you feel motivated and invigorated all at the same time.
3.      Meditate Daily. Meditate in complete silence for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning and evening. It helps you rid of any annoying mind baggage.It allows you to focus and get a clear picture of the challenges in your business. In most cases the problem is not as big as you thought it only needed a few adjustments to solve.
4.      Learn to say no. To be successful, learn to say NO, because there is no way you can take care of everyone and run a business. You simply don’t have enough time. You need to manage you time wisely.
5.      Support network. Have a good support network nearby. It could be your spouse, significant other or relative to run errands for you when you are working late.
If you have additional ways  of combining your business into personal life, share them in the comments section below.
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