Last week I was chatting with a friend who is the Human Resource Manager of a local travel agency that has been in business for the last 50 years .I asked him, what is the key challenge that they are having with the current crop of young people joining their organization? His narration was very interesting. That the young people come with good academic papers straight from college and claim that they can perform the tasks given to them .They start off well and after a few days start taking frequent days off with no clear reason, they become restless, don’t perform their work diligently and that they are also not committed to the job compared to the other older and long serving employees.
The interesting issue is that most modern organizations may still be operating within the same fundamental principles of profitability that have governed business since they started, but to trade successful in the contemporary arena many of the characteristics have to change.
This common scenario raises the question of how do you manage the different generations of individuals who make up your staff.